Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Busy busy

I try to never be busy - I don't like going out, I don't party, I don't even really "hang out"...but some weekends everything converges and jeez! I am pooped out. But I had to give a quick homage to the impending wonderfulness that is fall...I won't put this up until at least September, but damn it felt good to make it. It looks like a warm sweater to me... my fall yarn wreath!

I found this yummy yarn, sort of a greyish brownish with black flecks in it. I love it. Then I took a bunch of cookie cutters that I hardly ever use and made maple and oak leaves and acorns. Layered those and then made a moose - my fave animal - out of a cookie cutter I have never used from Ikea. Yes, I love to bake, yes, I hoard cookie cuttters - however I really don't like making cookies, especially roll out cookies, they are a pain in my ass...therefore, lots of cookie cutters that I now am repurposing!
 I did the foam in the middle trick to make it stand out, but not quite a easy as doing a million circles for the Mickey ears... hence, no close up of the atrocity. But it looks decent from afar. Voila...it resides in my hall closet for now, awaiting its breakthrough to the door. I love love love fall, but even I'm not crazy enough to put up a faall wreath in the middle of August.

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