Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So my husband and I were sitting in Ruby's waiting for our lunch to come before my chemo today, and of course we, like a good married couple, are reading our phones and conversing sporadically. I checked facebook and saw this.....


and then I burst into tears while waiting for my salad... and my husband goes what?? what's wrong??? and takes my phone and reads it and says, in typical man style, "oh cool, they went ziplining!"  That's really all I can say about that, because there aren't many words.

Here are some pictures from the Komen walk on Sunday...again, don't really have words for this whole group of people who showed up... for me? It all still sort of boggles my mind.

My husband and son, walking for mama...

Thank you again to everyone who came out... thank you to those who keep me in their thoughts from afar, thank you for every good wish and prayer that is sent out. Thank you isn't enough, but it's all I can offer right now.