Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 12 - A job and Day 13 - A book

A job...well, I can say that the job I currently hold, stay at home mom, is by far the hardest, most difficult, demanding, stressful and chaotic job that I have ever had. I have to say I did not intentionally choose to be a stay at home mom, I was circumstantially thrown into it. I still do not believe I am very good at it. I love love love these kids to death, as you can probably tell so far, but if someone called to hire me tomorrow, I would take it in a heartbeat. But I am enjoying them and hoping that they forgive me my faults and foibles, and I am using this time to try to learn the lessons that I need to learn as well - patience, understanding, all of that zen stuff. :)
A book - I do not know how anyone could ever just pick one favorite book. To me that is like trying to pick a favorite photo - impossible. I can't even hazard a guess as to how many books I have read so far in my life but I have many many more to go and many to visit again. It does give me a thrill that I am now reading to Jack some of my favorite childhood books that I saved just for my future children.
And just FYI - I love paper books - I'm not such an ebook fan. I get the allure of toting just a single device around instead of a heavy book, especially while traveling, but there is really nothing else like holding a book in your lap under a blanket on a beautiful grey day, or the smell of a library book, or the familiar texture of pages that your own fingers have turned a dozen times before. In addition to that, I am a huge proponent of local libraries. I realize this is viewed by some as anachronistic in present day society, but libraries offer a world to so many people, kids whose parents can't afford to supply them with new books, people who don't have computer access at home, even people who just need to feel a little bit of community. Love my books and my library!

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